Monday, September 7, 2009

Mark Dickson passes away in freak accident

A 51-year-old Glendora man was killed and his wife injured when he fell from a chair-lift in the Heavenly Ski Area in South Lake Tahoe.The El Dorado County Sheriff's Office says Mark Alan Dickson fell 50 feet from the Tamarack Express Chair.Authorities investigating the cause of the fall say preliminary findings show there was a malfunction with part of the zip line coming in contact with the chair lift.
Here's Mark's obituary - don't know how long the link will last, but it's here as I post this.

From Alan Draper - Services for Mark will be next Wednesday, Sept 09, at 3pm at the Douglass and Zook Funeral Home on Foothill in Monrovia. As additional information comes up I will send it along. If anyone needs the exact address let me know and I will reply. We are expecting a capacity crowd so you might want to plan to arrive a little early.

I don't have everyones' e-mail so please pass the info along to his other freinds and neighbors.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Marsha Mason

Marsha is a teacher, living in the Apple Valley/Victorville area.

Marsha - please post a comment or contact me and fill us all in on what you've been up to...

Mike Hagedorn

I pulled this off the web, posted in Sept. 2007, from the Martin, Werbelow LLP website:

"Mike Hagedorn, Manager has been named to a three-year term on the Board of Directors for the Pasadena Tournament of Roses Foundation. Mike will also serve as Treasurer for the Foundation which operates as the philanthropic arm of the Tournament of Roses Association and oversees the grant-giving process as well as managing charitable contributions on the behalf of the association. Mike has been an active member of the Tournament of Roses Association since 1989 and participated on numerous committees over the last 18 years for the annual Tournament of Roses Parade."

I'm assuming that as of Sept. 2007, Mike was working for MW.

Mike - Please post a comment or contact me and fill us all in...

Brian Bostwick

I know Brian worked at the Marie Callender's in Pasadena for a while after high school, then moved up to San Luis Obispo, where he was on the opening crew of the Apple Farm restaurant, if I remember correctly. The rest of this I pulled off the web from the Spring Mountain Vineyard website, where Brian is Director of Sales:

"Brian joined Spring Mountain Vineyard in Spring 2005. For over two decades he has been involved in the wine industry. During that time he has had the opportunity to work for several successful domestic wineries and distributors. His background includes hands on experience in sales, sales management, and marketing. He has worked the domestic market on a national level and has been fortunate to have worked and lived overseas while establishing California wines in the European market. He is excited about conveying the magic of Spring Mountain Vineyard to all tiers of the industry – distributors, retailers, restaurateurs, and fine wine consumers."
Brian, please post a comment or contact me and fill us all in on what you've been up to...

Bill Coburn

Right after high school, I went to several community colleges, but didn't even complete a year's worth of credits, I don't think. Citrus, PCC, East LA, and Saddleback. I worked in the restaurant business until 1993. I also spent a little over a year managing the El Toro Leo's Stereo, back in the days when cell phones came with over the shoulder carry bags.

In '87 or '88, I met my wife Katie, and we were married in 1991. In 1993 our son Keelan was born. We have just the one son.

In '91, I started working at my father-in-law's Structural Engineering office in Newport Beach. I was the operations manager there until 1998, when I started my own business, then called Side by Slide, doing PowerPoint shows for weddings, anniversaries, funerals, etc. That evolved over the years into The Coburn Group, which does marketing, public relations, and consulting work, including web design and PowerPoint. Baumann Engineering is still one of my top clients. I also do a news website, called and a restaurant website, My latest venture allows you to buy gift certificates for a variety of SGV and Inland Empire restaurants and retail locations from the website,

In 1995, I moved back to the San Gabriel Valley, to a home in Sierra Madre. Since I left Orange County, I've had a couple jobs, teaching computer at Creative Arts Group, tending bar at Posse's Sports Bar, and for a couple years as Associate Editor for San Gabriel Valley Weekly newspaper.

I have also had weekly columns in some of the local newspapers over the years. In addition to those columns, I've had feature articles/photos published, and currently have work published regularly in the Mountain Views Observer and occasionally in the Weeklys. I've also had photos or articles published in Concrete International Magazine, Tall Buildings Journal, Automated Builder Magazine, THE Magazine, Concrete Today Magazine, California Gardener Magazine, Arroyo Magazine.

My business's website is
I currently sit on the Board of Directors of the Sierra Madre Chamber of Commerce, serving as President (as of 1/30/09), and am on the committee that organizes the Sierra Madre Wine and Jazz Walk to benefit City of Hope, chairing the publicity committee. UPDATE 9/09 - Resigned as president of the Chamber, but was hired as Executive Director of the Chamber in 4/09.